Storygram #66

Storygram #66

He never missed a clear night. Pulling on a light jacket and strapping his telescope to his back, he set out for the old smoke stack. They had sealed the top off years ago—too many jumpers thought of it as a tunnel to freedom.

Storygram #46

Storygram #46

The watch on his wrist beeped. He didn’t hear it, but he felt the tiny speaker’s subtle vibration. It was giving him a five minute warning—not that it mattered.

Storygram #40

Storygram #40

Millions of people were dying of dehydration. Those who were fortunate enough to catch a rain shower faced attacks from those who had none. Water had become more valuable than money ever was.

Storygram #28

Storygram #28

The fires are here. The smoke is billowing ahead of them and beginning to flow around me. It threatens to seize my lungs, choking me into submission for the flames’ easy consumption.

Storygram #21

Storygram #21

The lightning storms had become our main threat. Streaks that would surround and surge through entire cities like a fog–a fog that was blinding and deadly.

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