First of all, thank you. It is an honor that you would come here to read a little bit about me and my work.
On Cinematography
My name is Page Lynch, and I am a cinematographer and writer. I have served as a Director of Photography on countless film sets, large and small, from multi-national corporations to the ambitious startup company to non-profits, churches, production companies, and more.
In 2015 I won an award for “Best Cinematography” in the 54-Hour Film Festival in Middle Tennessee for “The Rat King” directed by Ryan Rehnborg. Our short film for the 54-Hour competition won many awards that year, including the grand prize of Best Film.
I also served as Director of Photography for “Phase 6,” a short film written and directed by Jeff Dolan (filmed in 2014) which placed in the Top 10 in the 2019 Red Bull FUTUR/IO Academy film competition.
Over a decade of filmmaking and writing experience has allowed me to develop a thorough and experienced understanding of the entire movie process, which in turn allows me to serve my directors better as a Director of Photography who can go beyond the principles of cinematography to help craft a story that engages the audience.
On Video Marketing
In addition to serving as a Director of Photography, I have personally produced, directed, filmed, edited, sound designed, and color graded films that have accumulated hundreds of thousands of views.
In 2013 I did all of the pre-production, production, and post-production work to create an inspiring short documentary about a Tennessean named Tom Beckwith and his journey with CrossFit. The film was intended to garner attention for the completely unknown company TN Captured, and it did just that. Aside from its many Facebook shares, the film’s YouTube version caught the attention of CrossFit corporate and was shared to their thousands of followers, which in turn brought numerous new email subscribers to the TN Captured brand.
In 2014 I produced and filmed a crowdfunding campaign video for the book “Suddenly Single” by Isaiah Stratton that was chosen to be a featured campaign on the front page of Indiegogo.com. The campaign video’s success allowed Mr. Stratton to collect several times his funding goal.
Between cinematography for other production companies and my personal productions, my work has been viewed by millions of people all over the world through YouTube and other video sharing platforms, internal company distributions, live presentations and more.
On Writing
From 2014 through the beginning of 2015, I began writing short flash fiction stories (about 400 words) based on photos that I shot and edited with my iPhone and posted them to Instagram. I wrote one every day for 200 days and called them #Storygrams. They are free to read here on my blog (the previously published full color volumes of these stories are currently unavailable).
In 2017 I published my first book “LAND OF INFINITE QUESTS: The Quest Courier” under the pen name Page Wisher. It is a fantasy series for middle grade readers. In 2019 I published the second book of the series, “Trolls vs Llorts”. You can read a synopsis of each book on my Books page.
Nissan hired me in 2019 to write the video narration script for their Nissan Sustainability 2022 initiative, as well as direct the voiceover talent at their corporate headquarters studio in Franklin, TN. The film was presented to the entire Nissan North American workforce.
Paying it forward, I have endeavored to lend my film industry experience whenever possible. In 2013-2014 I presented a lecture on RED camera technology to a class at Middle Tennessee State University.
In the 2013-2014 school season, I developed curriculuum and taught a photography course for 4-H, followed by a filmmaking course for the 2014-2015 school season.
In 2020 I served as a judge for the 54-Hour Film Festival.
Over the years I have accepted innumerable coffee and lunch invitations in an effort to answer questions and provide support to the filmmaking community.
At the time of writing, I have a video studio in Mt. Juliet, TN and am in the process of developing a YouTube show for children produced by my company Wishology (through which I also publish my books). Wishology’s goal is to develop high quality entertainment for families and children of all ages to enjoy.
Originally launched in 2013, a project near-and-dear to my heart is receiving a reboot: Tennessee Captured. In 2020 I began the process of relaunching this little business, which is best described as a travel company. Beginning soon as a podcast show, TN Captured invites you to enjoy all the many wonderful places to go and things to do in the great state of Tennessee.
Thank You
While this About Page page is about me, it would be remiss of me to not mention you.
Without the many directors, producers, gaffers, and other film industry professionals I have had the great honor of working with over the years, I would not be where I am today.
Without the many clients and production companies who have hired and trusted me with their projects and budgets, I would not have been able to continue doing what I do.
Without the mentors and family members supporting me, I would never have been able to pursue my own business endeavors.
Without my loving and supportive wife, I would not have survived a single moment of a single day.
Without the Lord Jesus Christ, I would have no hope and no purpose or moral compass to guide any of the work I have done or plan to do.
And lastly, without my mischievous cats, I would have been able to write this page much faster… but I love them anyway.
Thank you for your support and thank you for reading. Please contact me with any questions or business inquiries you may have.