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The Story:

The water was disappearing. The rivers, the streams, the lakes, and even the oceans were uncovering the surface of the Earth. Islands that were only accessible by boat could now be walked to.

The trees and the grass were fighting us for all the remaining ground water. Food would not grow. Entire species of animals were becoming extinct.

Millions of people were dying of dehydration. Those who were fortunate enough to catch a rain shower faced attacks from those who had none. Water had become more valuable than money ever was.

Our colony had discovered a strange pocket of rain that would fall about every 30 days. We had mastered how to collect nearly every drop of it to grow just enough food and drink just enough water to survive. But we were discovered.

“I’ll take our horse and meet with him.”
“Dad, there’s no deal to be made here! He just wants to kill all of us and take our oasis.”

My dad was the colony’s leader. I was seen as the second in command by extension, since I was his only son. But I rarely felt like a leader.

“Clay, if I don’t meet him, he and his men will ride in here and slaughter us all. Meeting with him at least gives me the chance to spot a weakness and negotiate some time.”

My dad was clever, and I knew he could do what he said. But Mesh Grint was unstable, and another peaceful colony had warned us of his ruthless reputation.

“I’m… I’m worried that you won’t…”
“If it’s one thing I know, Clay, it’s that you are more than you think. You’re right… I may die. But if I do, these people have a brilliant man that is ready to lead them. And that man is someone capable of more than just survival.”

I couldn’t comprehend more than surviving at that time. But as my father rode off and met his fate at the hand of Grint, his last words changed something in me. They changed me into the leader I’m known as today: The leader who defeated Grint and brought water back to the Earth.

My fame began where my father’s life ended.


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