Storygram #128

Storygram #128

A cold breeze swept across the lake, slicing through her, effortlessly. She was too small and frail to present a challenge to anything like the wind, which made her an easy target to everyone she met.

Storygram #98

Storygram #98

Sometimes at night, it’s quiet enough to hear the cries of the souls that float along the surface. A woman’s soul once asked me, “Please, tell my son I’m sorry,” as she bobbed past. But no one can help them.

Storygram #89

Storygram #89

When the horizon had given up the last of its glowing gradient, something thumped the bottom of her boat. There was some splashing in the water and more thumping as her boat began rocking back and forth. She laid there with her eyes closed, too terrified to look.

Storygram #61

Storygram #61

They just sauntered up to the fence. They deployed no charm to coerce a following but waited, knowing their offer spoke for itself. “Should we go with them?”

Storygram #54

Storygram #54

At first sight of the water, he slid off his horse and collapsed by the sparkling stream. Scooping it into his hands, he brought it to his mouth and devoured every drop from his palms.

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