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The Story:

The fog was barreling towards her like a train. It had no smiling engineer or delighted passengers—only a lust for death. Attempting to escape it would be futile, so she stood there, waiting.

Just off the road, a doe watched her—its eyes pleading with her to run. It took a few bounds and looked back, but she refused to move.

“Go on.”

The deer hesitated but ran into the woods. Part of her wished it had chosen to stay, if only for its company. But it would have died, like everyone else that had tried to enter.

The fog nearly upon her, she reached into her backpack and pulled out an ancient medallion with a chain attached to it. The time had come for her to see what the fog was hiding.

She threw the chain around her neck, as the fog hit her with a blast of wind. The medallion fell over her heart and began to burn through her flesh. She collapsed to her knees, clutching her chest and screaming.

When the pain subsided, she tried to puff out the smell of burning flesh from her nostrils. Looking down, she saw the medallion had become embedded in her skin. She pulled the chain off, letting it fall to the ground.

She felt different, but she wasn’t quite sure how. It was as if she could no longer lie to herself, like all of her deepest flaws had been exposed.

She commanded her body to its feet and looked into the fog. Ahead of her was an ostentatious scene in black and white, consisting of an enormous gate and two equally impressive cloaked guards. They were faceless but somehow saw her.

Simultaneously, they thrust their spears at her but stopped millimeters from her chest. One of them leaned down, putting its head in front of the medallion fused to her.

Both guards returned to their posts on either side of the gate, which opened up. She crept toward the gate. Before she passed through it, one of the guards pointed its slender finger at her and spoke.

“Beware of taking that which you have not earned.”

She walked through the gate and stopped on the other side.

“What have I earned?”

The guard grabbed the gate and shut it behind her.


Think this story should become a book or a short film? Let me know in the comments below!

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