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The Story:

He was done. No more job. No more bills. No more heartbreaks. Done.

Everyone knew about the mystical world at the end of the gravel road, where all your dreams came true. It was no secret. But everyone also knew that once you go there, you can never come back.

But he was done.

As he stepped up to the gate, a small troll-like creature waddled into his path to block him. The creature wore a fedora and a blue sport coat. Its beard was pushed outward by its rotund body and covered most of its face, except for an oversized nose.

When it spoke, its beard flopped around freely.

“Welcome to Fairytale World. Pay the fee.”

Its voice was gruff and deep. He assumed the creature was a male.

“I wasn’t told about any fee.”
“All persons wishing to permanently enter Fairytale World must pay a fee of one happy memory.”
“A memory? Will I remember it?”

The creature smiled, stretching his mouth eerily wide.

“Does it have to be old or…”
“The happy memory submitted by any persons wishing to permanently enter Fairytale World may be from any time in the applicant’s life but must be truly happy.”

So, it had to be really good. What could he use? Victoria had ripped his heart out of his chest. He didn’t mind giving up memories of her.

“Oh, uh, okay. I had this girlfriend. She was the biggest b…”
“All memories must be submitted via immersive thought.”

He hesitated but compliantly closed his eyes and thought of Victoria.

It was a Sunday afternoon. Trees were in bloom, and they were having a picnic in the park. They enjoyed a glass of wine, got up and danced to the music of a nearby band.

As he twirled her around, time seemed to slow down. That’s when he realized he loved her. He could feel his heart ache at the memory.

Opening his eyes, he saw the creature smiling wide again.

“That’s a good one. Can I have it?”
“No! I mean… No, not that one.”

The creature’s smile faded. He looked angry.

How could he give up any of his happiest memories? Victoria? His friends? Maybe this was a mistake.

“I don’t think I can pay this.”

The creature coldly stared at him.

“Then, leave,” he growled.


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