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The Story:

Bananas were her favorite fruit because she had grown up being told to eat one every day, which she did. At the grocery store she frequented, they always had great bananas. She would take her time deciding on just the right bunch to bring home.

One day she was at the store to select a new bunch and was surprised how few there were to choose from on the shelf.

“Didn’t you hear,” a young store clerk said behind her.
“There’s a banana shortage.”

She turned around to glare at him for telling her such a not funny joke.

“Banana shortage?”
“Oh, I’m telling the truth, ma’am. You see, there’s some kind of bug or something that’s eating them up. These may be our last ones for weeks. The… uh… banana people, I guess, are trying to fix it, though.”

Bananas wouldn’t keep for weeks, so there wasn’t any point in buying them all. But what was she to do? There were no acceptable replacements for her bananas.

Her distress must’ve been plainly displayed on her face.

“Oh, don’t worry, ma’am. We will still have plenty of other fruits. The apples are my favorite.”

He walked away, while she stared at the apples. They might be good. She wouldn’t know. But they weren’t bananas. They could never replace her bananas.

She found a few acceptable bananas for the next several days. Before she left, she grabbed a sack and haphazardly tossed some apples into it.

A week later she woke up, went to the kitchen, and where there were normally bananas, there were only apples. She rinsed one off in the sink and felt its skin. Fruit with skin. She cringed.

Taking a deep breath, she bit into the apple. Its sweet juices made her tastebuds leap, and once she was able to admit that fact to herself, she smiled with delight.

Several weeks of apples later, the banana shortage was remedied. At the store bananas were in abundance, but she continued buying apples. And she would always buy an extra one and toss it to the store clerk.

It occurred to her that everyone probably has some equivalent banana habit from their childhood that is just waiting for the right opportunity to bite into their apple of freedom.


Think this story should become a book or a short film? Let me know in the comments below!

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