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The Story:

Everyone is shouting at me. Taunting me. I just hope they take the handcuffs off before shoving me in there.

One minute, I was sleeping on a bench in the park. The next minute, I had woken up in the back of a van with bars on its windows. I knew what had happened.

I had been taken by the underground fighting trade and transported to hell on earth—the trade’s section of the city. Even the military squads wouldn’t dare venture here. No one will be coming to rescue me.

A man with a half shaved head and no shirt removes my handcuffs. He slaps into my hand a metal tube that comes to a needle turned at a right angle at the end. There is only one button.

“Ya get three sprays to fight, citizen. If ya run out, I suggest knockin’ ya head on up that brick… If ya make it that far, of course.”

Three sprays. The tube must be filled with nanobots.

They unlock the gate and throw me into the closed off alley, shutting it behind me. There are people above me on the rooftops, shouting and spitting. I wonder if any of them, even one person, bet that I’d win?

After just long enough to feel my nervousness again, a male-structured android jumps off the roof and lands on the other end of the alley, cracking the pavement beneath him. He wastes no time in walking at me, speedily.

Just before he reaches me, I remember the nano injector and hold it out in front of me so that he almost runs into it. He does a backflip several feet backwards, which startles me into accidentally pressing the button. That’s one.

“Idiot,” I mutter to myself.

He approaches again, and I hold the injector out in front of me. He twirls around me and punches me hard in the back, breaking a couple of ribs and sending me to the pavement with a button press. That’s two.

I manage to turn over and see his foot coming down at my face. I dodge as the steel foot takes part of my ear. Quickly, I swing my arm around, stabbing his leg with the injector and press the button.

The lights glowing behind his eyes grow dim, and he doesn’t move again. The rooftops erupt in cheers.


Think this story should become a book or a short film? Let me know in the comments below!

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