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The Story:

After Sharliam had wandered through the desert for several days without water, he collapsed into the sand. Every part of him wanted to sleep. He was ready to give up and walk into the welcoming arms of death.

His eyelids sank closer and closer together, but just before they touched, a great earthquake shook the ground underneath him. The earth split open, swallowing sand and spitting out water. Animals came to the water, and plants quickly sprang up. And he and the animals shared the abundance of the oasis.

Sharliam built our town around the oasis and channeled the water through a monument. The water flowed from a red lion’s head mounted on a brick wall and into a pool where it could lazily make its way down the various channels he created.

We could do anything we wanted with the water, but he warned us not to harm any animals. They were allowed equal share of the oasis, partners of a promise that saved Sharliam’s life.

We lived by the legacy of Sharliam, channeling the water and growing food. We cared for the animals that came to share a drink with us. But it wasn’t meant to last.

A child was born in our city, named Gilbadesh. He had a thirst, not for the water, but for the blood of the animals we knew as friends.

We tried to keep Gilbadesh under control. We taught him our ways and explained the dangers of breaking Sharliam’s covenant.

One day, when no one was looking, Gilbadesh spilled the blood of a desert camel and began gnawing on its flesh. We pulled him away, but the damage was done.

All of the animals retreated, fearing us. The waters of the spring turned black in a matter of minutes. They became salty and harbored a host of diseases. Sharliam’s covenant was broken, and without the water, our town was doomed.

Now, we live under the curse of Gilbadesh, struggling to survive in a desert wasteland and suffering enmity with the animals. Only by our deaths will our animal friends be avenged. And without the spring, their vengeance will be swift.


Think this story should become a book or a short film? Let me know in the comments below!

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