Storygram #157

Storygram #157

Tillius Whitehall jotted down notes as fast as he could. He was the only one allowed to interview the trolls, and he wanted to make certain he accurately conveyed their grievances to the public. “So, Mr. Boggledung, are you saying that your people have never eaten any humans?”

Storygram #24

Storygram #24

Her vigilant watch was earning her the nickname “Watching Whitney” among the townspeople. She barely slept, and her handmaiden brought her meals, which she barely ate.

Storygram #21

Storygram #21

The lightning storms had become our main threat. Streaks that would surround and surge through entire cities like a fog–a fog that was blinding and deadly.

Storygram #20

Storygram #20

Every Sunday afternoon my grandfather would be sitting at the table, waiting for me with a checkerboard laid out and all of the pieces in their proper squares. You had to take a jump–that was the rule.

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