How To Start Writing

How To Start Writing

Two main ingredients. That’s it. If you’re determined to be a writer, these two things are all you need to get started.

Storygram #22

Storygram #22

The Nobel Prize. An honor he had dreamed of achieving. In his dreams he would enter the stage riding on the applause of his colleagues and admirers.

Storygram #21

Storygram #21

The lightning storms had become our main threat. Streaks that would surround and surge through entire cities like a fog–a fog that was blinding and deadly.

Storygram #8

Storygram #8

Three minutes. Peter looked out the window. Neighbors were running to their cars with their children. Some were trying to pry open manhole covers or hide in a drainage ditch. But not him.

Storygram #7

Storygram #7

She grabbed a paper from a nearby stand: 1969. Man had just stepped on the moon for the first time, not knowing that the first colony wouldn’t be there for another 74 years.

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