This is a #storygram (mini-stories) from my Instagram, which you can get to via the social media links at the top of this site. I do my best to make them a daily thing for you to enjoy and share with your friends! I really love making them, as they allow me to simultaneously scratch my photography and writing itches while I’m busy with filmmaking. Thank you very much for reading and sharing them! Don’t forget to check out my film Portfolio too!

The Story:

It used to be his routine to get himself cleaned up as the sun greeted him in his bathroom. Shaving and presenting himself in his best form for the rest of humanity was something he valued. Now, he valued only one thing.

There were times he would still miss having his home, his razor, the feel of a towel on his scraped smooth skin, and the soothing steam of a daily hot shower.

When he remembered his routine, though, his mind would inevitably wander to hers. The smell of her shampoo in their shower. The excitement of seeing her bare form through translucent glass. The towel turban she sculpted so that she could do her makeup.

He still had the house, but it now sat as still and lifeless as her.

Now, he had a beard, he smelled, and he lived nowhere. The house and all of its contents brought too many memories. He had to run from it because she was all he had known.

Most people thought he was just another nuisance along their commute. They didn’t know he was once a doctor. They didn’t know he chose to sleep in subways and parks. They didn’t know that a listening ear, a friend, might give him the strength to cope with the memories, but he didn’t know that either.

So, there he sat in the subway. He was hungry, but he didn’t care. His face itched, but he was used to it after 8 months.

The towel his wife once used to hold her hair was now his pillow. Everyone that daily passed him by just assumed it was a dingy cloth, but to him it was a memory too precious to leave behind.


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