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The Story:

The shotgun shells spilled onto the floor. With shaking hands, he bent down to grab a handful of them, shoving them into his coat pocket. The gun itself was so old and dusty that he wondered if it would fire at all, but he loaded it anyway, fumbling shells into the chamber. Once his gun was loaded, he took a deep breath and shuffled out the door.

His old joints made him stiff, and he knew his limits well enough to know that whatever was waiting for him would either be fight or friend but no flight. Regardless of its intentions, he was certain that something was out there. He saw it fall from the sky, nearly shaking his home apart in the impact, and a trail of dust still lingered from the path it cut through his field.

At the point where the trail went by a tree he had never had the heart to cut down, he began following the deep trench to its conclusion. Each step was a careful and forced movement, as he fought his fear of what might be waiting at the end.

The trench lead to a hole with a pile of dirt next to it. Shotgun poised, he peered into the hole. Immediately, the sight brought him to tears. He threw his gun aside and fell to his knees, looking up at the sky.

“You haven’t forgotten me,” he said through tears of joy.

A sophisticated metal capsule’s door opened, inviting him inside. Without hesitation, he slid into the hole and crammed himself into the tiny capsule’s seat. The door shut, and a screen lit up in front of him. After static and some odd symbols, a beautiful young woman appeared.

“Hello, William.”
“My love, you came for me.”
“Of course, I did. Now, sit back and…”

The transmission was cut off by the door being ripped open. Several uniformed men yanked him out of the capsule and tackled him to the ground.

“Emergency protocol activated,” said an electronic voice in the capsule.
“No! No,” William screamed helplessly from the ground.

The capsule lifted off and disappeared into the sky.

“Sorry, old man. You know the law—no contact with those alien scum.”

He glared at the man talking to him.

“She will come for me.”


Think this story should become a book or a short film? Let me know in the comments below!

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